Let us deliver the bad news for you!

Whatever the situation, we will be the bearers of bad news for you! Rest assured that your bad news will be delivered with the proper level of sympathy/empathy/haste.

If you're trying to split up with that clingy mate, fire an incompetent employee or have just found the neighbour's flattened cat on the street - we will take the problem off your hands and take care of it for you.


What we do is offer piece of mind for our customers. There are many times when you have probably wanted to stay in bed or crawl under a rock because of some news you had to break to someone. Don't worry you're at the right place. We will deliver the bad news for a variety of situations:

Our Company

For an additional fee (to cover travel) we will travel to whatever distant city you specify and break off that long distance relationship for you so you can get on with your life!